
How can science and technology activities be made engaging and relevant in Primary education?

How can science and technology activities be made engaging and relevant in Primary education? What is science? Science is learning about the world around us, by experimenting, observing, solving problems, measuring and recording data, discovering new stuff and testing out everything. What is STEM? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. What is the importance of STEM? STEM can create a learning environment where children can incorporate science, technology, engineering and mathematics to solve real problems. It exposes children to develop an inventive mindset that can help them with the skills that they will need in adulthood. (Uri, 2011). In science, what is the importance of technology? Technology is an application of scientific knowledge, technology relies upon science (Quora, 2017). ‘’Science and technology can improve the quality of life through new developments and advances in emerging technologies’’ (Donaldson, 2015) In 1991

What is the value of expressive arts activities in primary education?

What is the value of expressive arts activities in primary education? Before we get into the expressive arts, what do we mean when we say, ‘ the value of something? ’ The value means the ‘importance’ , the ‘vision and purpose ’ of expressive arts (Oxford dictionary, 2019). What do we mean by expressive arts? Expressive art for children allows them to expressive themselves, through drawing or painting, music and dance, it allows them to be creative (Barnes- Smith et al., 2015) Children can draw upon their emotions and bring out their current state though drawings or paintings. This is called art therapy, they can use expressions as a form of communication. Schools can put this in place for children who are feeling depressed, going through a hard time at home, anxiety, stress and bereavement (Baat, no date; Barnes-Smith et al., 2015).  Art is freedom, you can create and intense portrait, that could look to an outsider as a painting of mess and without having any words to

What is the value of nature pedagogy in primary education?

The Value of Nature Learning outdoors can improve a child's outlook on nature. Nature gives children a wide perspective of an understanding about the environment (baytrust 2015. p.6)  If children were to be involved when participating outdoors it would benefit them when it comes to environmental learning outcomes such as understanding nature, connecting with nature through their senses and being mindful of their surroundings, which can lead onto gravitating towards their emotions (baytrust, 2015. p.7).  Being outdoors can teach children a range of people skills, teamwork, help us learn about the world around us, experimenting with nature, using environmental resources to create projects. Projects can include music making, using a wide range of resources; logs, trees, bushes, any unnatural resources found could also be part of the project. Involving the children in this can lead onto more creative ideas such as learning about materials, What's natural? What's not na

Class sizes

   Small classrooms                                                                                                         Large Classrooms If schools were to reduce class sizes it could possibly have a negative impact on the school's environment, by this, meaning needing much more space than some schools already has, as many may only have the required amount of room for pupils (Simpson, 2010). This cost have an effect on the school's budget as they would need to find funding to increase the amount of rooms needed. A matter of fact they may need to add-on a new building altogether just to gain access to more classrooms. If schools have already got extra room these rooms may be already being used for subjects such as IT suite, music room etc. Would schools be willing to give up these rooms to then be used for extra classrooms.  Furthermore, schools would have to take on more staff, more TA staff and QT staff and if class sizes are too big schools